once God decided to do something, can anyone stop Him? His plans are always good thats why no one want to stop Him from doing whats good.
Amos 3:3 Do two walk together
unless they have agreed to do so? Sounds familiar?
Amos 3:5 Does a bird fall into a trap on the ground
where no snare has been set?
Does a trap spring up from the earth
when there is nothing to catch?
sometimes a trap( even you know that its a trap) is visible to us, we know it but we still get caught in that trap. why? Take a look at Amos 3:3
Amos 3:7 Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing
without revealing his plan
to his servants the prophets.
God's plan will always be revealed to someone cause God want to involve them in the plan. Learned in Experiencing God.
Thank God that i know whats right and wrong and i know how to do right!
some ppl know whats right but they just don't know how to do right!
Im expecting God to work greatly~ now i have the relationship with my classmates(they r good guys) i want them to be saved.
yay Zealot chalet gonna come! And im gonna be preaching! Nice~ Hope God gives me the word, its very very very COOL when God just give u a 'sermon' to share on.
gonna blog more next time~