read psalm 135 made me realise of praising God. the initial stage where we start to praise God with all we got. Your name, O LORD, endures forever,Your fame, O LORD, throughout all generations.
& pslam 136 all about God's mercy, imagine what the author had gone through that made him to write about God's mercy
mercy have 2 about the similar meaning which i found its good: 1) the discretionary power of a judge to pardon someone or to mitigate punishment
2)Something for which to be thankful; a blessing.
In Psalm 136 probably its the 2nd meaning of mercy. He was thanking God for the Earth he is living in, the grace he had.Thanking God for the hello kitty and computer(jus kidding).
Mercy translate to spanish is "compasiĆ³n" sounds like compassion huh? it is. :)
Mercy is not just the chocolate or being lenient of the punishment, it shows the character and the heart. Bcus God is merciful i think i shld be, hm.. let God give me test. Wad can endure forever except for God and true disciples that follow him?
Psalm 137:9 Happy is the one who takes your babies and smashes them against the rocks!
Take a look what this person is going through, God did not tell him to smash his baby on the rock but he is being genuine with his feeling to God. The person was in such sorrow over his home that he said this. God wouldnt tell some1 to do this~ Jesus said "if anyone causes the little ones to stumble and fall, its better for you to tie a rock around your neck and throw yourself to the sea".
holidays are here what am i gonna do? hm...self reflecting =D
ok only linked zealot 3 ppl, others slowly ba.